Wednesday, November 20, 2013

Week in Pictures

Bandnudeln bei Oma Else
Nero wartet auf seinen Käse
Schwimmen und Saunen
Mit Anne und Kim bei Nazar in Darmstadt
Und noch mehr Essen: La Maison du pain in Wiesbaden

Tagliatelle at Oma Else
Nero, waiting for some cheese
swimming and taking a sauna
at Nazar in Darmstadt with Anne and Kim
And still more food: La maison du pain in Wiesbaden

Sunday, November 10, 2013

Sunday Quote

A tiny frog lived in a well. He had lived there for a long time.
He had been born and raised there.
One day, another frog, who lived in the sea, stopped by.
"Where are you from?" asked the frog in the well.
"I come from the ocean", responded the other frog.
"The ocean, how big is that?" asked the little frog.
"It's gigantic."
The frog in the well drew a little circle on the surface of the water. "That big?"
The frog drew a bigger circle. "That big?"
"No, even bigger."
"Is it... as big as my well?"
"No, Much, much bigger. What nonsense to compare the ocean with your well."
"Liar!" shouted the little frog
and from now on he didn't want anything to do with the other frog.

buddhist tale

Thursday, November 7, 2013

Vieux Lyon

Vier Tage Handy aus, Uhrzeit ignorieren, jede Menge Käse essen und viel Wein trinken. Der Trip nach Frankreich hat zwar kurzzeitig mein chronisches Fernweh gestillt, ich bin aber trotzdem schon wieder am träumen wohin es demnächst gehen könnte. Irgendwelche Ideen?

Four days without cell phone, ignoring time, eating plenty of cheese and drinking a lot of wine. My trip to France has satisfied my constant wanderlust for now but I'm already wondering which place I could be travelling to next. Any suggestions?

Tuesday, November 5, 2013

Colore le Monde

Nach dem ersten, kleinen Vorgeschmack kommen hier die nächsten Fotos von meinem Frankreich-Trip. Nahe der Stadt St. Chamond, kraxelten wir an einem Nachmittag einen Berg hinauf, sammelten Pilze und schauten zu, wie der Herbst sich über die Landschaft legte.

Here are some more pictures of my trip to France, after my announcement on wednesday. We climbed a mountain near the city St. Chamond in the afternoon, searched for mushrooms, and watched how autumn spread all over the landscape.